Virtual Silent Auction
Washington Ave. church of Christ is bringing its 23rd annual Silent Auction to you. For the first time in its history, the silent auction will be virtual! Although our summer sessions and fall retreats may have been cancelled, our virtual silent auction is on!
This "Best. Week. Never. Virtual Silent Auction" commemorates just that: the best week you never had at WKYC by raising funds for the best summer you will ever have in 2021!

We need your support to make this virtual silent auction a success! Together, we can help create shared experiences for our campers that will lead to a lifetime of faith.
If you're looking for a way to support our ministry, now is the perfect time!
Anyone - from an individual, Bible class, or even congregation - can build a basket for the auction.
Register for free and bid from anywhere using our safe and secure virtual silent auction platform.
Your Virtual Auction Checklist:
Save-the-dates! The Best. Week. Never. Virtual Silent Auction runs from November 25th - December 5th.
Registration is FREE! Be sure to pre-register for the event. Once the link to register is live, it will be posted to this webpage, on social media, and sent out through email.
Building a basket for the auction has never been easier! Any person, family, group, Bible class, or congregation can make a submission. Once you procure your items, take a good quality photo of your basket (or whatever is used to hold and display the items) and submit the photo, basket name or theme, list of items, donor(s) name(s) and location, and estimated value to event organizer Andrea Wunderlich at andrea@wkyc.org by November 21st. If you're located in Evansville, arrangements can be made to have a photo of your items taken!
Our camp family spans across several states, and while some items might need to be shipped (bidder agrees to assume that expense), we will do our best to use our camp network to make sure all auction items get into the right hands as quickly and efficiently as possible!
The bid period will be open from November 21st - December 5th, but you will be able to preview auction items online as they are submitted so you can plan out your bids to support WKYC!