Bunk Bed

WKYC is pleased to offer you an opportunity to donate funds for a commemorative bunk bed as part of our 2022-2023 annual fund campaign. You are invited to honor, memorialize, or thank a friend or loved one through this program.
A plaque with several lines of text will be placed on the bed and displayed for the life of the item - which we anticipate will be several decades!
A minimum donation of $500 is needed to dedicate a bed.
All swings are currently reserved and not available for recognition.
Contact Trisha Vaughn at WesternKyYouthCamp@gmail.com with questions or to customize your plaque today!
If you want to direct family and friends to make gifts to WKYC, the following is suggested wording for an obituary:
In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made to Western Kentucky Youth Camp in memory of {deceased name}:
Western Kentucky Youth Camp
c/o Andrea Wunderlich, Treasurer
301 Youth Camp Rd.
Marion, KY 42064
or online through the link below.
Western Kentucky Youth Camp would be honored to help you commemorate a special occasion or person who has impacted your life.
In addition to memorials, WKYC's tribute opportunity helps commemorate weddings, births, anniversaries, graduations, and retirements.
When you make a donation in memory or honor of an individual or occasion, you will receive a gift receipt acknowledging the donation.
Should you like, we can notify the individuals being honored or the family of a deceased's loved one by sending a letter.
We will let them know of your donation, but will keep the gift amount confidential.
Should more than one gift be donated in memory or honor of someone, we will communicate the sum of all donations.